A lot of nail painting. Notice that Gracen has a touch of white tips on the ends of her fingernails. This is a very precious commodity with this poor nail-biting-addicted girl. Tonight she promised me solemnly that she would not bite them any more as long as I kept sparkly pink polish on them. "Even though I AM FOND of it, mommy." And I quote.
And new babydolls. She let me sleep with one since daddy was gone. Sweet girl.
I love her SO VERY MUCH!
We still had more fun... cooking over charcoal and wood, making "penny stoves" so the kids/dads can cook on them when they're camping.... teaching a bunch of 3-12 year olds how to throw knives properly... killing 2-foot long copperheads so the kids don't get bit... listening to coyotes howl at 2AM. WAY more fun than doing things like painting fingernails. ;)
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