Saturday, March 5, 2011

What was YOUR conversation at lunch today?

We interrupt your regularly scheduled baby pictures to bring you this snippet from the Cobb family lunch table:

Sam: Dad, what's a "labor saving device?"
Rob: It saves you work. For example: Could you dig a hole with your hands?
Sam: Yes.
Rob: Could you dig a hole faster and easier with a shovel?
Sam: Yes.
Rob: Could you dig it even faster with a backhoe?
Sam: Yeah.
Rob: Could you dig it even bigger and faster with an atomic bomb?
Sam: YEAH, COOL!!!
Rob: See, so an atomic bomb is a labor saving device.
Sam: Oh, I get it.

We now return to your regularly schedule programming.

1 comment:

G-Unit said...

Nice. That's so weird...that was our exact same conversation!