Monday, August 15, 2011

The sin He died for

So, I was thinking today. Struggling with people. You know? People? THOSE people? The ones who hurt and humiliate and frustrate and SIN AGAINST. . . well, against ME! REAL. TRUE. SIN. AGAINST. ME.

I do think about them a lot, those people. I'm sorry, I do. Do you? I think about their real, legitimate sin, and how much it hurt me to bear the brunt of it, and I think, "Oh, if God knew the hurt of this, He would not ask me to be a loving person.". . . Or, "This is WAY worse than what so and so had to go through, I can't forgive yet.". . . . I'm pretty good at feeling sorry for myself.

And then, tonight, I was walking around Home Goods. The place where all deep spiritual thinking can, and does, occur. I think I was in the towel aisle. No matter.

It occured to me. God actually DOES know how much that hurt. He does. Because that person's sin was not just against me. It was against HIM. In fact, more against Him than against me. Much more a fist in His face than mine. And I realized that I can't tell Him how much it hurt as though it was a new thought to Him. In fact, He not only GOT OVER IT. . . . He DIED. To forgive it. THAT sin. From THAT person. Already.

Phew. . .


G-Unit said...

I wish I could do my deep spiritual thinking in a home goods!

Vicki said...

Very humbling when we take our selves out of the hurt!