Monday, November 21, 2011

Free entertainment

It turns out our area is chock full of all kinds of free entertainment. Pumpkins aren't the only thing. No Sir, we also have LEAVES. Millions of them. You should come over some time. It's FU-UN. Growing up in an area that really didn't have much in the way of this kind of stuff, I really appreciate getting to romp around in the pile with the kids now and then.

I cannot describe how dirty they are every day during this blessed "see them fall down" time of the year. Every nook and cranny, folks. I'll just say that I never knew ear wax could be. . . well I'll just leave it there, I guess.

This last one I don't even have words for. And that's saying something. For me.


G-Unit said...

Looks like a pose I've seen a certain cousin make a time or two!

Vicki said...

What? You didn't enjoy the tumbling tumbleweeds as they blew by in the AV? Fall has nothin' on us! Wind, going from brown to browner, compared to nature's incredible display of almost undescribable color? The similarity is eerie! Well, I guess the similarity is more in the kids than the seasons....