Tuesday, December 14, 2010

My day. . . lately

I thought I would post this. There isn't much else to post. Snot is very unappealing, even in picture form, and there hasn't been much else lately. So this is what you get. Like it.

Danny drew this for me just now. He told me this was me. I quite agree. Then he said "it might actually be a duck or something. . . "

He really knows how to woo a girl's heart. Watch out ladies. This one's a heartbreaker.

Incidentally, I legally changed Caleb's name to Hell On Wheels this morning. We're totally dropping the Cobb thing. You can call him Mr. H. O. Wheels if you are offended by that. Write the President or something. That will help. Perhaps he can empathize.

1 comment:

G-Unit said...

I am noting that the sarcasm is abundant this evening. Clearly, the only way to deal with a mild epidemic.