Friday, April 22, 2011

The Seder

This was our first attempt, and we really enjoyed it! I think this may become a standing part of our Easter celebration in future years. The kids were really into it, searching for the afikomen, drinking ghastly amounts of grape juice, dipping the bitter herbs, asking the four questions, trying to understand why Elijah had a place setting if he already came, asking if they could eat his matzo if he wasn't coming tonight anyway, having 'rhea all night from the grape juice. . . you know. . . all the fun stuff. . . .

Here are a couple pictures. Jostling two fussy babies and a camera turns out to be an interesting drama. . . .

And here is a picture of Isaiah. . . smiling. Rob did a pretty great job squeezing his big double chin into the picture. . . and not mine. . . .

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