Tuesday, May 3, 2011

My ready-reader

Every year, one of my kids is in my ready-reader stage. This is hands-down my favorite. So much changes in this year, as they achieve the bold confidence of reading. The process is awesome to me.

Danny is my ready-reader this year. He is SOOO past ready for this stage, I have just dragged my feet to do the 5 minutes a day that it takes to bump him over the crest of the hill. But, as I have started organizing, assessing and planning for this coming school year, he has been overly excited to get going, so we have done a tiny bit here and there. Here is an example of his work. Isn't it sweet? He sounded each word out himself, and wrote the letters. Did I mention that he is SO ready?

We're starting school at the end of May, everyone is SO ready, we have been off since February, and I think they're bored out of their skulls. . .


G-Unit said...

Love that boy!

Elizabeth Fry said...

I love it when they start sounding out spelling all by themselves! Joseph's favorite word to write was NDN... Indian! We miss you all bunches!